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Location: Aesch, Baselland, Switzerland

Sunday, October 28, 2007

Halloween Poem

In Switzerland one does not know Halloween so as for example in the USA. We celebrate that not in such a way, as in America and in Switzerland are celebrate from Helloween only since the last years somewhat arisen. But this weekend was Helloween and I find in the internet a poem about this and I want this post here.


Oh no, not again, the time is near, It always happens at this time of year. The hissing of unlucky balck cat, And ovrhead all the screeching bats.When gone completely is the sun, The vampires come out to have some fun. Witches stir their cauldrons or grab onto a broom, Casting spells and cackling as they fly across the moon. Skeletons dance around shaking all their bones, Playing many stange toons on all their xylophones. Ghosts and goblins join the fun too, Running about and shouting out BOO! Jack-o-lanturns smailing and burning bright, Don't worry it's just another Halloween Night.
I wish you all Happy Helloween! :o)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Happy Halloween Yvonne!

When I was a little girl Halloween was fun but no where near as big and commerical as it is now. I stand in awe looking at the things in the supermarket that they sell for children and would love to have a proper Halloween party!

10:33 AM  

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