Yvonne's Place

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Location: Aesch, Baselland, Switzerland

Monday, April 30, 2007

History of the Collie

Many people knows that I love Collie's. And now I have thinking that I want present here the little History of this dog. Here are a lyric about this.

The Collie is believed to have originated in the hilly border countries of Scotland and Ireland. Farmers and shepherds needed a reliable, intelligent dog to guard the flock and be a companion to the family. Although Collies today are known for their beauty, these first Collies were valued for their working ability and intelligence, and were a far cry from the show Collies of today.

What did early Collies look like?

Early Collies were small, between 25 and 40 pounds, and came in a wide assortment of colors and markings. The rough Collie's glory, its beautiful flowing coat, was probably an adaptation to the harsh climate in which it lived.

1860: Collies in the show ring

Since the appearance of the first Collie in the show ring in England in 1860, the Collie's appearance has undergone many changes. They have doubled in size, the coat has become thicker and colors standardized, heads leaner and lighter and the eye is darker. Despite these changes in appearance, the Collie retains the charming personality, working ability, intelligence and devotion that endeared them to the Scottish farmers of old.

Collies today

Collies have proven themselves to be a very adaptable and versatile breed. Collies today are seen in the conformation ring, obedience ring and in herding events. Many Collies have even lived up to the high standards set by Lassie, performing feats of heroism and bravery.

Friday, April 13, 2007



by Karla Kuskin

I'm shouting I'm singing I'm swinging through trees I'm winging sky-high With the buzzing black bees.I'm the sun I'm the moon I'm the dew on the rose.I'm a rabbit Whose habit Is twitching his nose.I'm lively I'm lovely I'm kicking my heels.I'm crying "Come dance"To the freshwater eels.I'm racing through meadows Without any coat I'm a gamboling lamb I'm a light leaping goat I'm a bud I'm a bloom I'm a dove on the wing.I'm running on rofftops And welcoming spring!

It is so beautiful weather here, so I thinking I post a Spring-Poem! :o) Enjoy this wonderful weather and I wish all a wonderful weekend!

Saturday, April 07, 2007

Happy Easter!

I wish you all a fantastic easter! I hope you found a many eggs and choccolate bunny's yammy! :o) I wish you good luck for searching tomorrow. And here comes a little Easter Poem:

On Easter morn at early dawnbefore the cocks were crowingI met a bob-tail bunnykinand asked where he was going."Tis in the house and out the housea-tispy, tipsy-toeing,Tis round the house and 'bout the housea-lighlty I am going.""But what is that of every hueyou carry in your basket?""Tis eggs of gold and eggs of blue;I wonder that you ask it."Tis chocolate eggs and bonbon eggsand eggs of red and gray,For every child in every houseon bonny Easter day."He perked his ears and winked his eyeand twitched his little nose;He shook his tail -- what tail he had --and stood up on his toes."I must be gone before the sun;the east is growing gray;Tis almost time for bells to chime." --So he hippety-hopped away.

Friday, April 06, 2007

Waiting for Friday......

Here it comes .......

Wow it's Friday!! Have a great weekend!! :o)

Is this not sweet? I' ve got this last weekend as a e-mail. :o)

Monday, April 02, 2007

Vegetable Ingenuity

Unbelievably which one can make from vegetable of everything! I poste you here a few pix which I as email got. That is a great manual work. :o) Have a nice day!